
Steven Paul Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American businessman and inventor widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer resolution.
Jobs was widely described as a visionary, pioneer and genius perhaps one of the foremost in the field of business, innovation, and product design, and a man who had profoundly changed the face of the modern world, revolutionized at least six different industries, and who was an "exemplar for all chief executives". His death was widely mourned and considered a loss to the world by commentators across the globe.

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Inheritance: The Vault of Souls is the fourth and final book in the Inheritance Cycle written by American author Christopher Paolini.
The Inheritance Cycle was originally intended to be a trilogy, but Paolini has stated that during writing, the length of the third book grew, and the book was split into two parts to be published separately. Because of this, many plot elements originally intended for the third book are in the fourth book.
This is the final book, klik this link to get the e-book version..
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Rambu-Rambu Peringatan, Stasiun Tugu, Yogyakarta

Jika anda pernah ke jogja, jangan pernah lewatkan Malioboro. Tempat berbelanja batik tradisional. Tapi saya tidak akan bercerita tentang malioboro. Saya akan bercerita tentang sebuah papan rambu-rambu yang terdapat di Stasiun tugu.
Papan itu dapat ditemukan jika anda berjalan dari arah utara malioboro untuk menuju malioboro. Jalan ini merupakan jalan tembus khusus untuk para pejalan kaki, sepeda dan becak. Untuk mencapai malioboro, mereka harus menyeberang rel kereta api. Tepat sebelum menyeberang, anda akan melihat sebuah rambu-rambu peringatan yang berisi empat kalimat dalam empat bahasa, yaitu :
Indonesia : Awas kereta api
Jawa       : Dua sepur (Ada dua kereta)
Inggris     : Stop (Berhenti)
Jepang    : Keikoku! (Awas!)
Jika anda masih belum percaya silahkan anda datang ke yogyakarta dan melihatnya sendiri.
Selamat menikmati indahnya Jogja,,,